Yoga Instructors

Yoga & Pilates Teachers

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Vinyasa yoga, is an active practice that connects physical postures through movement with the breath. In a heated environment of 32 degrees Celsius, Vinyasa will create heat within your body. This increases circulation improving both your body’s cleansing and healing processes. Balancing both strength and flexibility, this style of yoga also benefits every system within the body. All levels beginners to advanced.


Health / Weight loss / Strength / Flexibility / Mindfulness / Stress Relief


Yin Yoga, is a gentle and passive style of practice which accesses the subtle energetic body and the connective tissues; fascia, tendons, ligaments and deeper areas of the joints. Yin postures are held for several minutes to effectively activate the meridian lines. This increases the flow of energy around the body, assisting the health and wellbeing of certain organs and systems within the body. Suitable for all levels.


Health / Flexibility / Mindfulness / Stress Relief

Flow & Yin

Is a beautiful combination of a gentle vinyasa flow followed by a yin sequence.

Suitable for all Levels.


Health / Weight loss / Strength / Flexibility / Mindfulness / Stress Relief


Develop tools and techniques of Meditation. All meditation classes are by donation. Please bring cash to donate directly to the teacher.

All levels beginner to advanced


Health / Mindfulness / Stress Relief


The Prenatal yoga is a unique fusion of yoga poses, breathing practices, meditation & relaxation, childbirth education and mentoring for birth. You will prepare for the intensity of labour, strengthen your body and make a strong connection with your baby for birth and into motherhood. You’ll also learn ideal positioning for a comfortable labour, valuable birth tips for all types of births, in all locations, and gain insights for preparing for the challenges of labour, one breath at a time. The classes are suitable for beginners to regular yoga practitioners who are 12 weeks gestation onwards.


Health / Weight loss / Strength / Flexibility / Mindfulness / Stress Relief

Why Hot Yoga?

The heat applied makes you more malleable and enhances flexibility. This allows you to go deeper into the postures.

Detoxification: The heat causes you to sweat out excess toxins, which will inevitably aid in health and recovery. We use infrared / radiant heaters which heat objects and not the air itself, so you can breathe naturally but still receive the benefits of practicing in a heated environment.

Not sure if hot yoga is for you? Give it a go before you say no!

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